We are excited to announce the release of BlueDAG Version 4.2, a significant update to our leading-edge accessibility software suite. This version is loaded with innovative features and enhancements, designed with the express purpose of helping organizations better manage accessibility compliance and offering a more robust user experience.
Since BlueDAG’s inception, our mission has been to empower users to create accessible and inclusive environments, and the release of Version 4.2 is a significant leap forward in that direction. This update introduces a number of improvements and new features designed to streamline workflow, enhance productivity, and expand capabilities. We are excited to share this latest iteration of our commitment to digital accessibility with you.
Release notes for Version 4.2 can be found below. BlueDAG University videos highlighting new features and improvements will be forthcoming soon. We invite you to explore the novel features of BlueDAG Version 4.2. Our software will improve your accessibility processes, break down barriers, and enable you to create a more inclusive world.
BlueDAG 4.2 – Release #4.2.0 Release Date: 7/5/2023
- BULK UPDATES – mass updating of Barriers, Evaluations, Grievances, and Projects.
The new Bulk Update feature lets users select multiple entries from the Grievance, Projects, Evaluations, or Barrier Findings tables to update statuses, assignments, and various data fields collectively. It streamlines mass updates of barrier statuses, recommendations, remediation dates, budgeting, and other crucial data points for transition planning. It also facilitates assigning batches of Evaluations, Grievances, or Projects and updating their workflows, thus accelerating the process without needing to access each entry individually.
- GRIEVANCES+ PUBLIC SUBMISSION WEBFORMS – embed a self-service website form for submitting grievances, RA requests, and more
This new feature automates Grievances+ intake and validation. The entity can self-host a web form on its public-facing website that allows constituents to submit a request. Based on the requester’s input, the system identifies the type of Grievance or RA, assigns the correct workflow step, and updates the activity accordingly. This enhancement supports multiple grievance intake forms with specific fields, accommodating diverse types like interpretive, video recording, and RA for testing.
- REQUESTER PROFILES – manage your requester’s needs and history all in one place.
A hub for the requester/submitter of RAs or Grievances, this profile page keeps the requester’s and other contact’s information, all affiliated grievances, notes, and documents in one place. The fields in the requester profile can be customized to meet the subscriber’s needs.
- REQUESTER COMMUNICATION EMAIL BRANDING – Email notifications to Requesters now support entity branding.
- DEFAULT FIELDS FOR REPORTS – Set default fields for each report type in Subscriber Details.
- PHOTO QUALITY FOR REPORTS – Photo quality upgraded for even clearer images in reports.
- BARRIER IDs IN REPORTS – Report builder now has the option to replace the Finding/Barrier number with the Barrier Finding ID in default reports.
- DASHBOARD ENHANCEMENT – The Title II dashboard now loads instantly.