News & Educational Resources

Enhance California Polling Place Accessibility with BlueDAG and HAVA Funds

Exciting news for California counties looking to improve polling place accessibility! With new state and federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funds now available, BlueDAG is here to support your efforts in making voting accessible to everyone. Our state-of-the-art accessibility inspection and reporting software is designed to streamline the process of data collection on polling place accessibility.

BlueDAG’s software suite offers comprehensive features for distributed workload, project management, and real-time insights, making it easier than ever to manage accessibility evaluations effectively. Our tools allow you to gather and analyze data efficiently, ensuring compliance with all relevant accessibility standards. We’ve incorporated the California SOS Polling Place Accessibility Guidelines and Checklists into our tools, enabling you to cut inspection time significantly, identify barriers swiftly, and generate instant reports. 

Coupled with our Kickstart Launch program, county officials are equipped to oversee and ensure the comprehensive accessibility of their polling places. From initial evaluations through final reporting, BlueDAG supports every step of the process, ensuring that you can maximize the use of HAVA funds effectively.

Contact us today to learn how BlueDAG can transform your polling place accessibility projects and help you utilize HAVA funds to create a more inclusive voting environment.